Recreation center Drivyati

Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Braslav town, Rybhoznaya str., 15.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 55°36.796' N, 27°04.230' E

Today Thursday, 13.02.2025
 19:10 Minsk


Reservation Department

The recreation center «Drivyati» - the most popular destination in Braslav district. The recreation center is located in the famous across Belarus the National park «Braslav lakes», that surprises visitors by incredible combination of lake with clean water and hilly terrain. The unique beauty of Belarusian Lakeland annually attracts many tourists from Belarus and neighboring countries.

The recreation center is located on the peninsula of lake Driviaty, which takes the fifth place in Republic Belarus by area. The lake attracts visitors with clean water, gently sloping sandy beaches, convenient for bathing with children, and lots of fish. It's a nice place for a summer holiday, boat and catamarans riding, as well as for successful fishing.
At the recreation center, surrounded by tall pines, three buildings with comfortable and spacious rooms were built. Here you can stay in a one or two rooms and even two-level apartament with a spiral staircase.

There is a restaurant, swimming pool with hydro-massage facilities and sauna and a small gym in the health-improving complex. Here there are all facilities for a varied and pleasant stay - Gazebo with barbecue, sauna with aromatic steam, boat rentals and sports equipment, dance ground and a playground for children.

Outskirt location in Braslav allows travelers to explore the region, learn its history and culture, visit the unique places - Zamkovaya hill in Braslav, Museum of Traditional Culture, driving little to climb the famous hill Mayak and drink water from natural sources.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

2-room double (building №1, 2)

3 meals a day included in the price
  possible 2 additional seats
  one person can stay

 WC, bath, washstand / TV, balcony, cosmetics, electric kettle, fridge
13-February -  30-April-2025 8621
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 8621 a day.
01-May -  30-June-2025 10048
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 10048 a day.
01-July -  28-August-2025 11000
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 11000 a day.
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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2-room single suite (building №1, 2)

3 meals a day included in the price

 WC, bath, bidet, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, balcony, cosmetics, electric kettle, fridge
13-February -  30-April-2025 6819
01-May -  30-June-2025 8198
01-July -  28-August-2025 8992
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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single 2-room 1-level suite / 2 guests (building №1, 2)

3 meals a day included in the price
  possible 2 additional seats

 WC, bath, bidet, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, balcony, cosmetics, double bed, electric kettle, fridge
13-February -  30-April-2025 9363
01-May -  30-June-2025 11159
01-July -  28-August-2025 12238
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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2-level single suite (building №1, 2)

3 meals a day included in the price

 WC, bath, bidet, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, balcony, cosmetics, double bed, electric kettle, fridge
13-February -  30-April-2025 7703
01-May -  30-June-2025 9754
01-July -  28-August-2025 9817
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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2-level single suite for 2 guests (building №1, 2)

3 meals a day included in the price
  possible 2 additional seats

 WC, bath, bidet, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, balcony, cosmetics, double bed, electric kettle, fridge
13-February -  30-April-2025 10261
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 10261 a day.
01-May -  30-June-2025 12905
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 12905 a day.
01-July -  28-August-2025 12905
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 12905 a day.
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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1-room double (building №3)

3 meals a day included in the price

  one person can stay

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, balcony, cosmetics
13-February -  30-April-2025 7985
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 7985 a day.
01-May -  30-June-2025 9413
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 9413 a day.
01-July -  28-August-2025 9794
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 9794 a day.
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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2-room double (building №3)

3 meals a day included in the price
  possible 1 additional seats
  one person can stay

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, balcony, cosmetics, mini fridge
13-February -  30-April-2025 8657
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 8657 a day.
01-May -  30-June-2025 9730
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 9730 a day.
01-July -  28-August-2025 10524
   Cost for room (house) for 2 people 10524 a day.
C  29-August-2025 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

Customer reviews


Rating 8.9/10 calculated on the basis of 223 customer profiles

Елена Евгеньевна Russia, Moscow   Arrival date 02-September-2024

Очень даже неплохая база отдыха. Красивые озера, прекрасная природа. Тишина. Хорошее обслуживание.

Марина Russia, Moscow   Arrival date 12-August-2024

Все супер!!!Всем огромное спасибо!!!

Татьяна Алексеевна Belarus, Minsk   Arrival date 15-July-2024

В целом отдых понравился несмотря на некоторые замечания. Обязательно поедем следующим летом на Браславские озера. Постараемся вернуться именно на в это место. Базу отдыха Дривяты выберем только в случае возможности бронирования номера без питания при работе ресторана по ресторанному меню, либо при организации питания по типу шведский стол (крайне желателен выбор блюд при немаленькой стоимости питания).

Дмитрий Иванович Belarus, Minsk   Arrival date 24-June-2024

Отдохнули замечательно. База отдыха расположена в красивом сосновом лесу, рядом отличный пляж. Уютные номера.

Александра Борисовна Belarus, Vitebsk   Arrival date 30-December-2023

Отдых очень понравился, на банкете еды очень много было, не хватало конечно Деда Мороза, а так ведущий понравился, музыкальное сопровождение банкета отличное, танцевали до упада) Первого числа порадовала уха и глинтвейн, все было супер!!! Заняли 1-е место в викторине и выиграли катание на кораблике, обязательно приедем летом! Спасибо за прекрасный отдых!!!!

Елена Аркадьевна Russia, St.Petersburg   Arrival date 30-December-2023

На Н.Г. стол ломился , но много что не сьедали т.к. девушки уже несли другие блюда

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